A reverse hexagon nut, also known as a left-handed nut, has internal threads that are in the opposite direction from a conventional nut, i.e. it has left-handed threads. This design allows the nut to tighten as it rotates counterclockwise, whereas a standard right-handed nut tightens clockwise. This special thread design is often used in applications where there is a need to prevent loosening or self-unthreading.
Carbon Steel: Typically used for general applications.
Stainless Steel: For environments where corrosion resistance is required.
Alloy Steels: Used in applications requiring high strength or high temperature resistance.
Anti-loosening: Reverse hexagon nuts are less likely to loosen when subjected to vibration due to their left-handed nature. Safety: In certain applications where safety is critical, the left-hand thread can be used as a safety feature to prevent unauthorized disassembly. Special Applications: Can be used in applications where a special thread orientation is required, such as certain tools or equipment.
Scope of Application
High-speed rotating equipment: In high-speed rotating machinery and equipment, reverse hex nuts can be used to prevent loosening of the nut due to centrifugal force. Vibrating Environments: In machinery and structures that operate in vibrating environments, such as certain types of engines or building structures, Reverse Hex Nuts can provide an additional hold. Specialty installations: In some specialty installations, left-hand threads may be required to meet specific mechanical design requirements.
Main Features: Easy to install, integrity, no gasket, easy to remove, reusable, medium carbon steel can be made with 8.8, Class 10.9 and other high strength bolts are used in connection with the United States military - MIL-STD 1312 Vibration Test.
Applications: Automotive industry -- cars, trucks, buses, compressors, construction machinery, wind power equipment, fasteners, agricultural machinery, casting industry, drilling equipment, shipbuilding industry, military, mining equipment, oil drilling RIGS (onshore or offshore), public rail transit, transmission systems, metallurgical equipment.